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* Children from 3-5 years:

Tuesday and Thursday from 18 - 19h

* Children from 6 - 8 years:

Tuesday and Thursday from 19 - 20h

Ballet - a formalized dance originating from the French court, later developed in France and Russia , as a concert form of dance. Ballet is a dance with a high technical form and its own means of expression. It is primarily performed with the accompaniment of classical music . Due to its technical complexity and aesthetic value, ballet is considered the most prestigious form of dance, and is therefore accepted worldwide. Ballet performances are choreographed and include mimicry, acting, and are accompanied by music (usually orchestral ). The original form of ballet today is called classical, and in addition there are neoclassical and modern ballet. The word "ballet" comes from the Latin word ballare, which means dancing.


Classical ballet

Classical ballet is based on traditional ballet technique and vocabulary. There are different styles of classical ballet that are associated with their places of origin, such as French, Italian and Russian ballet. Several of the styles of classical ballet are associated with specific training methods, which are usually named after their creators. For example, the Cecchetti method is named after its creator, the Italian dancer Enrico Cechetti.

Neoclassical ballet

Neoclassical ballet is a style of ballet that is in line with the technique and vocabulary of classical ballet, but deviates from classical ballet through such differences as the unusually fast pace of the dance and its addition to non-traditional technical feats. The interspace in neoclassical ballet is usually more modern or complex than in classical ballet. Although the organization in neoclassical ballet is different, the focus on structure is a defining feature of neoclassical ballet.

Tim Scholl, author of "From Petipa to Balanchine," considers George Balanchine's "Apollo" in 1928 to be the first neoclassical ballet. Apollo was a return in response to Sergei Diaghilev's abstract ballets. Balanchine worked with modern dance choreographer Martha Graham, expanding his exposure to contemporary techniques and ideas, and brought modern dancers to his company (New York Ballet) such as Paul Taylor, who in 1959 performed on Balanchine's "Episodes." During this time, Glenn Tetley began experimentally combining ballet with modern techniques.

Contemporary ballet

Contemporary ballet is a type of dance that is influenced by both classical and modern dance. It incorporates the principles of basic technique and body control (using abdominal force) of classical ballet, but allows for a wider range of motion than classical ballet and may not adhere to the strict body lines or responses of classical ballet. Many of his concepts come from the ideas and innovations of 20th century modern dance, including floor work and leg bending. This style of ballet is usually performed barefoot.

George Balanchine is often considered to be the first pioneer of modern ballet through the development of neoclassical ballet. Mikhail Baryshnikov was a dancer who briefly danced for Balanchine, a Kirov Ballet training model. Since the appointment of Baryshnikov as artistic director of the American Ballet Theater in 1980, he has worked with various contemporary choreographers, most notably Twilight Tarp. Tarp choreographed "Push Comes To Shove" for ABT and Baryshnikov in 1976; in 1986 she created "In The Upper Room" for her own company. These two pieces are considered innovative for their use of clear modern movements combined with the use of pointed shoes and classically trained dancers - for their use of contemporary ballet. Tarp also worked with the Joffrey Ballet Company, founded in 1957 by Robert Joffrey. She choreographed the Deuce Coupe for them in 1973, using pop music and a mix of modern and ballet techniques. "Joffrey Ballet" continued to perform a number of contemporary works, most of which were choreographed by co-founder Gerald Arpino. Today there are many modern ballet companies and choreographers. These include Alonzo King and his company, Alonzo King's Lines Ballet; Complexions Contemporary Ballet - directed by Dwight Rodden; "Compañia Nacional de Danza" by Nacho Duato; William Forsythe, who has worked extensively with the Frankfurt Ballet and now runs The Forsythe Company; and Jiri Killian, currently artistic director of the Nederlands Dans Theater. Traditionally "classical" companies, such as the Cyrus Ballet and the Paris Opera and Ballet, regularly perform contemporary works.

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